Pan-African Movement of Movements, People and Organisations

Working for Unity, Justice, Peace and Dignity 

Our mandate under the Kilimanjaro Declaration 2.0

What we do

Broad continental and global campaigns on the mandate areas under the Kilimanjaro Declaration. These campaigns and advocacy actions are implemented with member movements, activists and organisations at national, sub-regional and continental levels. We also work with many partners across the world to implement campaigns aimed at changing the current oppressive, neo-colonial systems holding the people down

Borderless Africa#FreeThem campaign#ReRightHistory#Rise4OurLives

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As a Movement of Movements, Africans Rising works with, builds, strengthens and supports our members (African social movements, activists and organisations) to and achieve more impact. We also build movements in places or areas where there is need for grassroots mobilisastion to support a particular cause. Grassroots power when harnessed through movements can bring rapid and transformative change. Initiatives under our movement support program are as follows

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Africans Rising leverages its numbers as the largest Pan-African movement to mobilise and build solidarity among African people both in the continent and the diaspora. Our biggest annual mobilisation is the African Liberation Week that is the week of 25th May commemorating the formation of the Organisation of African Unity (25th May 1963). Africans Rising was launched on 25th May 2017 with more than 500 solidarity actions in 40 countries showing solidarity with African issues. Find more about our initiatives in building Pan-African solidarity below;

African Liberation WeekPan-African Solidarity Action Network – All-African Movements Assembly (AAMA)Solidarity Missions

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Where we work

Africans Rising works in all 55 African countries and more than 100 diaspora countries and territories to push governments , businesses and established national and global Ngos to focus on the issues Africans deem critical.

Kilimanjaro Declaration 2.0

Members adopted a revised version of the Kilimanjaro Declaration on the last day after many deliberations.

Our members share a common vision which is outlined in our founding document the Kilimanjaro Declaration. The declaration is a formal recognition of the richness of the African continent, its people and its diaspora, and a commitment to overcome the oppressive systems that plague African and African-descendent people. 


The Kilimanjaro Declaration 2.0

We, the citizens and descendants of Africa, as part of the Africans Rising Movement, are outraged by the centuries of oppression; we condemn the plunder of our natural and mineral resources and the suppression of our fundamental human rights. We are determined to foster an Africa-wide solidarity and unity of purpose of the Peoples of Africa to build the Future we want – a right to peace, social inclusion and shared prosperity.

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As we move forward, Africans Rising remains an authentic concept with immeasurable possibilities and I remain committed to helping the cause in every possible capacity. Our community is strong and vibrant, and together we will continue our efforts to work towards Justice, Peace and Dignity.

Kumi Naidoo

Founding Chair of Africans Rising

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